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Winter Hair and Dry Scalp Remedies

I think we can all agree when I say that one of the most common issues we have in the winter is our hair and scalp drying out! Dry scalp is definitely more common in the winter due to the harsh weather conditions and freezing cold temperatures. This makes it more likely for you hair to break or fall out and if left untreated, it can lead to hair loss as well. Your scalp can follow with small, white flakes, itching and even tightness. Your hair can look dull and lifeless which can be awfully debilitating and most of all, embarrassing. Hair is a statement; it has its own voice and is one of the main focal points when applying for a job, going on a first date, even to special events like a wedding or prom. Not to fear, there are many procedures and steps you can take in order to bring your hair back to life this winter and all of the winters following!

Of course we all enjoy a hot shower in the morning, but during the winter, we tend to turn the heat up just a tad more. What you don’t know is that this is actually damaging your hair right before your very own eyes! Hot water can leave your hair fragile and brittle, causing it to break much easier even if you’re using other precautions. My advice to you would be to take a lukewarm shower instead, but if you enjoy your hot showers, try to at least shorten their duration. Not only is this great for your hair but it will be beneficial to your skin in the long run as well.

Now wait just a moment, before I move on from this topic, there are a few other methods you can use while you’re in the shower to help hydrate and increase blood flow to your scalp. One method that I swear by is scalp massages. These are so beneficial and the best part is that it’s easy and everyone can do it. While you’re shampooing your hair, try not to rush through the procedure but instead, gently massage your scalp for a couple of minutes. This stimulates your hair follicles, increasing hair growth and natural oils to produce at the base of your scalp. It is important not to over wash your hair though, as this can lead to the stripping away of your natural oils which helps to protect and prevent breakage throughout your hair. During the winter, try to avoid clarifying shampoos and conditioners and swap them for a gentler, more natural product; the gentler the better.

Another procedure you can use in the shower includes applying a hair mask. Hair masks deeply moisturize the scalp and lock-in your hair’s natural moisture. Your go to hair mask should be coconut oil if anything! Coconut oil is highly effective, affordable and is a natural conditioner for even the finest to the thickest hair. While you’re in the shower, make sure your head is completely saturated before applying the coconut oil directly to your hair and scalp. Once it is applied, place a shower cap over your head for a minimum of 45 minutes and then rinse the coconut oil out accordingly. Repeat this process at least once a week until you notice improvement throughout your hair and scalp. If all else fails and you’re still finding that your hair just isn’t giving you that “oomph” that you’re desperately searching for, it may be time to find a medicaided shampoo and conditioner. Although these may be higher in price, they are well worth it in the long run to healthier, luscious locks.

Now that you’ve been educated on the different procedures you can take in the shower to prevent your hair from drying out, let’s talk about what you can do once you step out of that shower. One thing that I just can’t stress enough is that LESS IS MORE! No, I don’t mean less hair, I mean less maintenance. Constantly applying heat to your hair is the number one cause of breakage and frizz. Cut the heat and try air drying your hair instead! Although it may take you a while to get used to the natural flow and direction of your hair, it will eventually restore each strand’s natural strength and shine, leading to less loss of hair and more production in growth.

Avoiding heat doesn’t just mean straighteners and curling irons either; did you know that the heat from your own home could also be damaging your hair? Dry, indoor heating can strip the moisture away from your scalp, which we all know ultimately leads to damaged hair. Before you panic and run to your thermostat, there are simple solutions and steps you can take to combatting the dry air in your home. One thing I will suggest is investing in a humidifier, nothing big or fancy, just a small one kept next to your bed stand will suffice. Leaving a humidifier on while you sleep at night will keep moisture in the air and help to hydrate your scalp throughout the night. Another alternative that isn’t just a fashion statement but goes a long way; wearing a hat! This is such a simple way to protect your hair from the frigid cold when you step outside to the dry heat when you step inside your home.

I also want to touch on this topic although it is not favorable but has so many benefits when it comes to healthy hair, your diet! Your diet plays a HUGE role, if not the most important role, to healthier and more durable hair. A diet that is rich in fatty acids can help alleviate a dry scalp. Eating kelp, which is high in iodine and is known for supporting hair growth, is also another food item you should add to your list when those brutal winters are taking a toll on your hair. You should also minimize your coffee and alcohol intake, which is known for drying out your scalp and reducing the process of hair growth. Last but not least, water is such an important factor here. Your water intake should be at least a gallon a day! This is one of the most effective and inexpensive ways to guarantee you down a path to healthier/shinier hair.

Of course, I can’t forget to mention that you should be visiting your local hair salon every 4-6 weeks. Your service provider should be willing to listen to your concerns and provide you with their best professional opinion on what hair products and procedures you should be using to insure that your hair is well-kept and abundant with natural oils always. When your hair is too damaged beyond the point of return, they should be able to offer you scalp treatments that include a head massage to help boost production of growth and natural oils to produce from the scalp. They may even suggest adding oils such as argan oil or carrot seed oil, which are both great for keeping the scalp healthy and moisture locked in. They may also suggest tea tree oil which not only locks in moisture but also kill any potential fungus that you didn’t realize was living on your scalp!

You’ve just read how to take care of your hair, not only for the winter, but all year around! Stick to these at home remedies and professional tips and you’ll never have to worry about damaged hair again. Look out winter, here you come!

If you have any questions or concerns you can always reach us at 703-352-2800

damageddamaged hair again. Look out winter, here you come!

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